Tag Archives: dinner

It Didn’t Disappoint

Good morning! I hope you had a wonderful Valentine’s Day! I had such an awesome one and I can’t wait to share!


My night started off receiving these


Beautiful Pink Roses

and this


Which was actually perfect considering the gift he was getting!

For His gift (which I was so excited to give him!), I received this reaction!




I’d say it was a success!


Here’s a little bit more about his present! Aaron is a beer fanatic! He loves finding ones that taste good aka not Miller Lite, or Bud Lite! (Basically, the more expensive ones!) I came across a Groupon for a Beer gift basket to be sent and delivered, but he works for the government which doesn’t allow deliveries. So, I thought I’d send it to his house. Well, you need someone who’s 21 to sign and some of his family members that would be home for it aren’t 21. Getting it delivered to my house wasted the fun (and delivery costs!) What was I to do? Make my own! I went shopping with my brother (also the beer fanatic) to pick out beer Aaron would like, and then I went shopping at Walmart to fix up a basket! Here was the outcome.


It was loaded with food I associate with beer Smile 


There were some trail mix bars…


He received lots of beer jerky, buffalo pretzels, summer sausage…


He also has honey roasted peanuts and oatmeal pies!

Underneath it all were some of his favorite beers! I bought him some Troeggs Nugget Nectar, and some Great Lakes Commodore Perry! He was happy to receive those, especially!


Back to my night last night!

I told you all yesterday how Aaron and I were going to the shooting range! Well, it didn’t disappoint! I had such a blast, and so did Aaron. Quite nerve-wracking at first, and I did hit the ceiling at the beginning, but you live and learn! We used a “Glock 19” (Aaron’s technical terms, to me it was a handgun!). I didn’t quite know what to expect, and was kind of nervous when no one told us what to expect either! Here is a recap from our experience!

shooting collage

We had lots of options of targets to pick from, but we stuck to a basic one with the numbers and circles! In the above picture, you can see both Aaron and I having a great time shooting! You weren’t allowed to use cameras or phones inside, so our pictures were taken through the glass on my phone Sad smile I was pretty bummed when I saw that sign! It was still a blast, though, and I would do it again! Totally different Valentine’s Day, which made it super fun!

After our shooting range experience, we were hungry. I mentioned how I wanted to go somewhere Low Key, and we decided on a newer restaurant right by us! It is called Burgerz ‘n’ Dogz and we had been interested in trying it. It ended up being packed so we sat at the bar and actually watched them make our food! Our dinners were delicious and I can’t wait to go back!

valentines daydinner 

We started off with an appetizer of Provolone Wedges. They are made fresh daily, and you could absolutely taste this. They were beyond delicious! For my dinner, I had the Mac ‘n’ Cheese Hot Dog with a side of sweet potato fries! It. was. outstanding. I can’t wait to go back and get it again! The sweet potato fries were also good. They came with a cinnamon sugar drizzle on top, though, which I wasn’t a huge fan of! I would prefer them with a touch of salt and ketchup! Aaron created his own burger, which he said was good, but not his absolute fav. He wants to go back for a hot dog next time!

It was a perfect Valentine’s Day spent with my loved one!




  • Did you have a good day yesterday? What did you do?
  • Have you ever gone to a burger and hot dog shop? Were you a fan?
  • Sweet potato fries. With or without cinnamon sugar?

Hit the spot

Good morning! Hope your Tuesday is off to a great start!

Let’s recap yesterday!


I made a smaller batch of my usual oats (nothing special, and actually tasted quite bland) so that I had room for this!

coffee cake

It totally hit the spot! My mom made Cinnamon Coffee Cake on Sunday. It wasn’t quite as good as when my Grandma makes it,  but it was delicious. I kept myself to a small slice for breakfast,  but I must have had a lot of self-control. Can’t guarantee I can keep up with that control.


There was honestly nothing that sounded great to me when I packed my lunch in the morning. I ended up having an apple (Granny Smith are my fav!), some veggie chips, and cereal. I added some flaxseed for some more nutrition, and it actually did hit the spot!


(That photo is a repeat, but you get the picture!)


For whatever reason, this dinner also really hit the spot.

rice teriaki dinner

It was Teriyaki chicken, but I made a base with brown rice, topped with broccoli, and then the chicken. I added some teriyaki sauce on top too! I wish we had extras because it would make for a fabulous leftover lunch!


Perhaps that dinner tasted so good because of what I did right before!


Yes, that’s right. I actually completed workout A from Best Body Bootcamp, and enjoyed every minute of it. It used a pyramid set of strength training, and I really enjoyed it. With this kind of training, you increase the weight, and decrease the reps with every set. I really pushed myself and felt great after. I followed up strength with 20 minutes running! I kept it quite intense and just loved having a steady speed! Ended up feeling fabulous and I couldn’t stop sweating after. I felt like a champ all night.

It was quite the Marvelous Day for a Monday!


Enjoy your day! I’ll be back this afternoon with a Trainer Tuesday post!


  • What kind of dinner do you always make sure to have leftovers of? I would have to say Tacos. I love having leftover meat for salads the next day!
  • Do you have a go-to lunch? I always have a hard time with lunch. I can never think of things that I know I will want when lunch rolls around. I need some new go-to meals!

Hello Saturday!

Happy Saturday to you all!

I don’t know about you, but I could not WAIT to sleep in this morning. However, when I say sleep in, it meant 8:15! Oh well! I awoke feeling great and got to work on a workout for the morning! Before I get into that, let’s talk about last night!

Last night:

Aaron had come over, and we had plans to just hang out and take it easy. However, he got a text from a friend shortly after he arrived telling us everyone was heading to this local place. So, we decided to go join in! I hadn’t seen these friends in a while, so it felt great to just have fun and relax with them. We ended up staying until after midnight, and I was definitely feeling tired by that point! I’m not the night owl, that’s for sure.

feb 1One of the only pictures from the night. On the left is our friend Miller, and then me, and Aaron!

Now, onto dinner last night:

Since I still live at home, my mom still cooks me dinner! Pretty fabulous perk that I will be missing very much.

Last night we had Beef Stroganoff with a side of broccoli. I had actually just finished Tina’s Best Body Bootcamp workout for the day, and was feeling mighty sweaty! So, this meal wasn’t exactly what I was craving since it was all very hot, but it did the trick anyway.

 dinner feb 1

I finished up my dinner with a piece of Courtney’s Quick Italian Bread that I made earlier in the week! Delicious!

dinner feb 1 part 2

I wish mine would turn out as pretty as hers, though! For some reason, the top always burns!


I actually made myself a quick bowl of oats! I was so hungry after my workout today, that I forgot to snap a picture! However, it was delicious!

In it went:

  • 1/3 Cup Quick Oats
  • 1 Tbsp Chia Seeds
  • 1Tbsp Flaxseed meal
  • 1/2 scoop Vanilla protein powder
  • 1/2 cup vanilla almond milk
  • 1 packet Stevia Raw
  • 1/2 banana
  • Splash of vanilla
  • Couple sprinkles of cinnamon

It was mighty delicious! I have been really loving my oats in the morning! Today’s was a pretty large and filling one, which will be great to hold me off for lunch until the Pen’s Game!


Like I said, I am participating in Tina’s Best Body Bootcamp. It has been the best 4 weeks so far. Her workouts are always challenging, but I look forward to them every day.

Today was actually either a cardio day or rest day. I had planned to make it a rest day because I am getting over a cold still, but when I awoke feeling great, I went to the basement and did a great workout! I stuck to walking, but man, I included hills and it was rough!

30 minute walk

Please adjust speeds and incline to where you feel comfortable.

I finished up with Tina’s Kettlebell Workout! It felt great to use different muscles (and my kettlebells, finally)

I’m not sure what the rest of my day looks like, but I believe it will be sure to include some crafting with my Cricut machine I received for Christmas!

I’ll leave you with Myste’s plans for the day…

feb 2 myste

Mighty fine looking ones I might add!

Enjoy your Saturday!