Tag Archives: workout

Trainer Tuesday 3!

Woot Woot! Another week, another Trainer Tuesday!! I absolutely love sharing my workouts with you, so please let me know what you think of them Smile

Tuesday trainer

Today’s workout focuses on supersets. These work two opposing muscle groups back to back. You should perform both moves with very little rest in between. Then, take a 30-45 second rest before repeating the set 1-2 more times. Take a 1-2 minute break before moving on to the next set Open-mouthed smile This is one of my favorite workouts! My arms are burning by the end, and I am quite sweaty!

**Always remember to check with a doctor before starting a new exercise program!

make you sweat

Here are links to the exercises in case you are not familiar. Grab a dumbbell that will make the last 2-3 reps challenging.

Skull Crushers

Bicep Curls

Tricep Kickback

Hammer Curls

Tricep Dips

Cross Body Hammer Curls

Diamond Push Ups

In and Out Bicep Curls

Tricep Extension

Curl Up, Hammer Down

I hope you enjoy the workout! Let me know your thoughts.

Enjoy your night! Off to some more marriage classes!


  • What is your favorite body part to work?
  • Do you prefer cardio or lifting?


Well, today hasn’t gone exactly as planned! We’ll get to that in a second.


I started Phase 4 (what? Already!?) of Best Body Bootcamp today! It called for strength A, which paired an exercise with a cardio burst. I LOVED it! I always love adding cardio bursts in to my workouts so that I keep my heart rate up! I was sweating and feeling great. It called for Cardio A if you didn’t complete at least 4 sets, but I still did a bit of Cardio A just because I took the weekend off! I only got to 20 minutes and called it a day! Perfect workout, and totally enjoyable!


I ate a banana before working out, and then it ended up being after 10 when I finished my workout! So, I had half of a Cinnamon muffin to hold me over until lunch.


What to do with taco leftovers? Taco salad, of course!

taco salad

Naturally I meant to take a picture before destroying it. But, needless to say I forgot!  I had romaine, sprinkle of cheddar cheese, taco meat, salsa, and plain Greek Yogurt! I made the switch last night to plain Greek yogurt instead of sour cream, and will never go back! You are definitely not missing anything from the sour cream and the Greek yogurt is good for you! Makes me happy, that’s for sure!


Alright, people, I need help. I have spent countless hours this past weekend and then today, especially, trying to figure out self hosting! I currently have my own domain,  but run it through wordpress.com. I want to upgrade to a Genesis Theme, which you need to be self-hosted for. I currently have a BlueHost account, but was actually thinking of switching to GoDaddy because it is cheaper. Any thoughts? Anyone have help for me in switching? I have been all over Google, and not really finding out much other than horror stories! Ahh!

Also, if you experience any difficulty with my blog in the next few days, please stick with it! I am trying my best to not mess up anything, but who knows what will happen in this world of technology! Thank you! You are truly the best!


  • Was there anything you wish you would’ve known before going self hosted?
  • Anything I should be prepared for after I become self-hosted? Do I even use WordPress anymore? Naturally, I’m lost. Sad smile 

Catch ya tomorrow with Trainer Tuesday!

Recap + a New Workout!

Good Morning, my beautiful readers! I haven’t filled you in on much since Friday, so let’s catch up! I ended up laying low on Friday. When I thought the numbness wore off from getting moles removed, it really hadn’t. Fast forward to about 9pm and I was in immense pain, which led to a less than stellar night sleep!

I woke up in a bit less pain yesterday, but I was really out of it all day. I ended up heading to the doctor’s because my cough had gotten worse, and it hurt very badly to cough with stitches in your back! Found out I have an ear infection, too, so I really laid low all day. I wasn’t feeling like doing much so I caught up on all my DVR shows, laid on the couch all day, and then began to go nuts in my house. Just one of those days where nothing sounded great, but I felt super lazy for not doing anything. Oh well! Some days are just like that. I am actually heading out to Trader Joe’s now just to get out of my house and pick up some things I need for this week. Trader Joe’s always makes me feel better Smile

Tonight actually starts marriage classes for Aaron and me. We have them tonight, Tuesday, Thursday, and then Saturday. Seems like a long time, so I hope it is worth it! One more step closer to the wedding!

Let’s move on to what I did manage to eat yesterday.

After my meatball sub dinner the other night, I have been craving another! Between Ash Wednesday and then Friday, I was finally able to have one yesterdaySmile It tasted good, but nothing was really hitting the spot in the food category.

meatball sub

Please excuse the photo. It tasted better than it looked!

In the middle of the afternoon, I got hungry and decided to go for a banana to hold me over! Wasn’t bad, and as you can see, Niko really wanted it!


My mom headed out for my prescriptions in the afternoon, and brought home these gems for me! Absolute favorite candy out there!

watermelon pieces

My family decided to order pizza last night, and sometimes pizza is just where it’s at. I could probably live on pizza forever, but then I’d blow up to be a blimp and I don’t want that!



Alright, well since I had all this time yesterday, I came up with a treadmill workout for you fine people! It is a treadmill run, but feel free to play around with the speeds. My treadmill only goes up to a speed of 10, but if yours goes to more, please adjust accordingly. If you want more of a walking workout, adjust the speeds down 2 for everything. For example, instead of 5, make it 3, instead of 8, make it 5.

Enough of my rambling, let’s get to it! Enjoy Smile

45 minute treadmill run

Enjoy your Sunday!


  • Favorite thing from Trader Joe’s?
  • Do you like to run or walk on the treadmill?