Tag Archives: planner

Plan It Out

Do you start your day with a plan of action? Are you up late at night thinking of what you need to accomplish the next day?  Can you get through the day withou searching for things when you need them?

I don’t know about you, but I know I cannot stay focused if I am not organized. Organization is so important to how productive you can be. There may be a few of you who can function being disorganized, and more power to ya, but most of us can not live like that.


Yesterday I was a substitute teacher for 3rd grade. They were fantastic, but the job went up very early in the morning, which meant the teacher was not expecting to call off. I arrived at the classroom to find nothing out, and nothing where it was supposed to be. Totally fine if you were the teacher, however, for a sub it was extremely difficult. I struggled to find the attendance, erasers, pens, everything! I know it was because she didn’t plan to be out so nothing was prepared, but regardless, here are a few tips I believe will help us all stay organized and on top of things in our own lives!

Tips for Staying Organized:

  • Buy a planner. Make it one that has both month view and day view.
  • USE YOUR PLANNER! Write down where you should be that day, or when specific projects are due. Buying one and not using it won’t get you anywhere!


  • Use it daily to write goals for each day, such as vacuum the house, wash the car, exercise. If you WRITE IT DOWN, you are more likely to do it.
  • Use different colors for different reasons. Make red work related tasks, blue home tasks, green fun tasks, etc.
  • Make tasks small enough to complete. Don’t say “clean the house.” That is very overwhelming and often leaves to nothing getting done. Make tasks like “put dishes away, sweep the floor, vacuum the living room, wash the window in the family room.” By making smaller tasks, you will feel more accomplished when you cross one off!
  • Buy a large calendar for your house. Write down important dates on it so you can quickly glance at it while at home.


An example of a calendar I just bought at Target yesterday!

  • If something will take less than a minute to complete, do it now; don’t put it off.
  • Do one thing at a time. Don’t start cleaning a room, then end up folding laundry but that takes you to another task. Keep to one and finish it. Then, CROSS IT OFF the list! (Best feeling ever!)

Hope you can feel a little more organized, or become a little more organized from my Tips! Staying organized (and organizing thing) makes my day! I feel so much more productive when I have a schedule of what I should accomplish that day and what I need to get done!


On another note, THANK GOODNESS it is the weekend! Ahh this has seemed like a long week! I have plans to meet up with my cousin Jenn for dinner tonight and to stop at Michaels to get some things for my next craft! I believe Aaron and I will be doing some more house hunting, and perhaps finish our registry! Who knew it would be so hard! Any tips are greatly appreciated in the comments section! Other than that, I am going to be laying low and (hopefully) meeting up with some friends for some fun!


  • Do you have any tips that work for you staying organized? Do you use a planner and stick to what you write in it?
  • What are your plans for the weekend?