Tag Archives: stigma

In a Tizzy!

In a tizzy

Boy, oh boy! Today did not start the best way possible. I was rushed. I hate to be rushed. It was my fault, though. I took a sub job at the high school right up the road, and had planned to wake up at 5:15 to work out before having to go to work. Great plans, huh? Didn’t happen… Knowing I would be home at 2:30 made my sleepy self decide I could use more sleep this morning as my alarm was sounding. So, I reset my alarm, and accidentally set it for pretty late. I felt rushed from that point on until I actually got to school.

In my crazy rushed state, I decided to go for some cereal this morning. I had already planned on it last night, though. Sometimes, it’s just a cereal type of day! I was craving something sweet, and my most recent cereal kick I’m on is Trader Joe’s Frosted Maple and Brown Sugar Shredded Wheat. It served the purpose and kept me nice and full! I also had a glass of Vanilla Almond Milk.


Other than that, I’ve had quite the easy day. I am subbing for math, and have a student teacher teaching all day! Needless to say, I haven’t done too much 😉

I did manage to have some delicious chips with lunch! I’ve been really enjoying the veggie chips I bought at Trader Joes!

veggie chips

I apologize for the picture. As a teacher, I had less than 30 minutes to shove food in my mouth so I snapped the picture super fast!


While I was walking around the school today, I began thinking of what I thought mattered in high school, and many think still today, but how it doesn’t really matter in the long run. I saw girls walking around making sure their sweatpants said “BeBe” on the butt, and everyone needed to have a Coach purse. And the guys? Well, they have the latest clothes obsession, and wear hoodies and hats that I just know cost a fortune.

This led me to some thoughts. Is it really worth it? Are your friends only going to be friends with you when you wear the latest craze? What if you wear a hoodie from Kohls and not American Eagle because it was $30 cheaper. Nowadays, everyone is so caught up in where they shop and having designer labels. Don’t get me wrong, I do own some, but I am just as happy shopping at Kohls or Target when things are on sale. I don’t need any clothes just because of the label attached. Especially now. When I see the price difference, and how I could save more shopping when there is a sale and have a coupon, you are more likely to see me shopping at those stores!

I wish high schoolers, and even younger, could realize it doesn’t matter what you’re wearing or what you own. The stigma attached to having name brand needs to go. Especialllyyyy when you do it for the wrong reasons. If your friends won’t be your friend anymore without name brands, then I would say they aren’t that great to begin with! Everyone has a different sense of style and fashion, so just find what makes you, you,and not someone else!

As Powercakes says, #BeTRUEtoYOU

Enjoy your night! I’m off to complete my workout that put me in a tizzy this morning, eat a yummy dinner, and relax while cheering on the Penguins!


  • Have you ever decided to sleep when your alarm goes off because you know you have time after work to exercise? Please tell me I’m not the only one! (And I know I haven’t been too happy today because of it!)