Author Archives: Fit 'N' Cookies

Strawberry- Banana Smoothie

Ok, so yesterday morning, I failed to wake up to work out. My alarm went off, and I decided against it. In my heart of hearts, I knew I would be sitting all day, and thought it might be better if I saved my run for after school so I could move. Such a brilliant idea, Heather Smile 

I haven’t had a steady run for a lonnggg time, especially on the treadmill! I changed that yesterday, with a fantastic run! I mean, one that felt great, time flew by, and I actually enjoyed. I really forgot how much I enjoy running and how amazing I feel after, but was quickly reminded.

treadmill run

I ran 5 miles! It felt like heaven. Running 5 miles outside is not a huge accomplishment, but 5 miles on the treadmill? Pretty unheard of for me! I ran it in under 45 minutes, too!

me and myste

Myste even wanted in on the sweaty action! She sat in my basement watching me run the entire time, and as soon as I stopped, she was on that treadmill! She needed some snuggles from me!


Now, the reason you are here! This morning, I shared that I made a strawberry-banana smoothie to hold me over last night! It is my favorite smoothie, but don’t make it too often! I should change that.

Step 1: Assemble the ingredients.

smoothie 1

Step 2: Put ingredients in your blender.

smoothie 2

Step 3: Mix!

smoothie 3

Step 5: Enjoy!

smoothie 4

strawberry banana smoothie

Let me know your thoughts!


  • Favorite show to watch while working out? I happened to be watching The Biggest Loser while running yesterday, which I think made it such a great run! It kept me going!

WIAW Numero Tres

Alright, so being that this month’s theme is veggies, I did decide to get some veggies in to my day. Always a plus for me! I really struggle with veggies. Any tips on eating them, spill!




I went with some good ‘ol fashioned oats. Except, I lost half in my fridge. I was doing so well preparing my food the night before, had the oats in a bowl, and then, they hit the shelf and half fell out. Still managed to eat some! And had half of a cinnamon muffin. Both of which I forgot to take a picture of, and can’t even find one to reuse. What a bummer. Sorry, my friends. I can attest to the fact that the oats looked pretty yucky, but tasted pretty yummy! Smile

I did not have a snack before lunch. My oats and the muffin held me over until just about 10 minutes before lunch! Worked out perfectly.


taco salad feb 19

Another taco salad. Gotta get some veggies! Romaine, celery, sprinkle of cheese, plain greek yogurt, salsa, and ground meat! Mmm

carrots feb 19

Baby carrots!

carrots hummus feb 19

Side of spicy hummus! My mouth was on fire, but I was loving it!

Snack: 3:00

luna bar

I became a little hungry around 3, and knowing I was coming home to run, decided to eat this protein bar. I was really excited for it- 12 grams of protein, 170 calories. Cookie dough is just about the best thing out there, which made it even better! Unfortunately, I was not a huge fan. I couldn’t really taste anything like cookie dough, but it wasn’t bad at all!

Another Snack: 5:15

Aaron and I had our marriage class again last night. We were surprised on Sunday to find that they had a break, filled with lots of food. Being that I have about, um, zero self-control, I obviously couldn’t pass up on cheese, buffalo chicken dip, chocolate chip cookies, and so on. Well, they informed us we would be having pizza on Tuesday night. I knew I would eat a piece, so I just wanted something to hold me over until that came!

coookie butter and graham cracker

Graham Cracker with Crunch Cookie Butter

smoothie 4

Strawberry Banana Smoothie (recipe coming this afternoon!)


Pizza! And some more veggies!

pizza feb 19

Maybe next week I will get some more veggies in. I just don’t really enjoy them!


  • How do you enjoy your veggies?
  • Do you enjoy smoothies?

Trainer Tuesday 3!

Woot Woot! Another week, another Trainer Tuesday!! I absolutely love sharing my workouts with you, so please let me know what you think of them Smile

Tuesday trainer

Today’s workout focuses on supersets. These work two opposing muscle groups back to back. You should perform both moves with very little rest in between. Then, take a 30-45 second rest before repeating the set 1-2 more times. Take a 1-2 minute break before moving on to the next set Open-mouthed smile This is one of my favorite workouts! My arms are burning by the end, and I am quite sweaty!

**Always remember to check with a doctor before starting a new exercise program!

make you sweat

Here are links to the exercises in case you are not familiar. Grab a dumbbell that will make the last 2-3 reps challenging.

Skull Crushers

Bicep Curls

Tricep Kickback

Hammer Curls

Tricep Dips

Cross Body Hammer Curls

Diamond Push Ups

In and Out Bicep Curls

Tricep Extension

Curl Up, Hammer Down

I hope you enjoy the workout! Let me know your thoughts.

Enjoy your night! Off to some more marriage classes!


  • What is your favorite body part to work?
  • Do you prefer cardio or lifting?