Tag Archives: weekend

Marvelous In My Monday #2


Good morning, all! I have to say, my weekend flew by. I did not want it to end! Before I knew it, it was Sunday and that, my friends, is a shame. It was very enjoyable, though, and I hope all of yours were too!

The good news about Mondays, though, are that it is Marvelous In My Monday already!!!!


Yesterday was marvelous in itself because:

  • Aaron and I went out house searching, again, and came up with a few that we like! (More on that this afternoon).
  • We also took on a cooking challenge from his family. Not really a challenge, but feeding the 10 that will be there is!

dinner boats

The dinner was a one pot deal! Super easy, and all the ingredients went right inside the foil and then cooked in the oven!  Also made for easy clean up!

  • Being able to bake cookies for the family, and knowing they love and appreciate them!


  • Having my momma test out my new workout that will be up tomorrow! She approved Thumbs up
  • Cooking a yummy yummy dinner for everyone and getting great reviews!
  • Being able to have some downtown and just hang out with my family.
  • The weather finally seemed to give us a beak yesterday! It reached the 40’s AND had sun! Haven’t had that kind of a combination in weeks!

And one of the biggest marvelous things that happened this weekend was that we finally got a new treadmill!

new treadmill

I was able to run on it/walk on it/ test it while reading a book! Seems like a winner to me and I cannot wait to get back running on it! My mom and I actually put it together last night! We carried all the pieces downstairs from our garage and managed to get it all up and running! I will let you know how it is when I get to use it! This girl wants to RUN!

carrying treadmill

While carrying the massive thing downstairs! Extra workout for the day! Thumbs up

mom putting treadmill together

My momma reading the instructions !

finished 2finished



Have a Marvelous Monday, everyone!


  • Do you like to use a treadmill? I honestly don’t enjoy the treadmill too much. I would much rather be outside running, but during the winter, I am unable to do so! (For dumb reasons like I just don’t want to be cold, and I also have cold-weather induced asthma, which makes running quite un-enjoyable!)
  • What is your favorite type of weather? The summer definitely wins in my books. I love to be on my boat and in the river, but I also enjoy fall temperatures for running. I enjoy running in the 50’s or 60’s, which is usually fall type of weather!


Good morning everyone and a Happy Monday to you all! Hopefully you had a fantastic weekend and are ready for the week ahead!

I am going to jump right in with Marvelous in My Monday, hosted by Tina!


Marvelous was having the weekend free of plans! Plans did come up as the days went on, but not having set plans going into the weekend made it even more marvelous! Just went with the flowWinking smile


Marvelous was taking a day off of working out. After a great week of workouts, taking Sunday off makes going into another week even better! Fully prepared now for Best Body Bootcamp week 5!

me and niko snugglin

Hanging out with my favorite puppy, Niko

Marvelous was a trip to Trader Joes with my fiancé! He’s never been there, and being that it is one of my favorite stores, I had to introduce him! Our Superbowl party happened to be across the streets, so I really did just have to go! 

aaron and i superbowl

Isn’t he the cutest?

Marvelous was having the Pittsburgh penguins crush this weekend! I’m a big time fan and the lockout was terrible. At least it is back now!

pittsburgh penguins



  • What was marvelous about your weekend?
  • Is there a team you love to watch? Or specific sport?

Spring is Coming Early!

Well, well, look at that! It’s already Sunday Sad smile Someone tell me how the weekend goes by faster and faster every week! Oh well, at least we still have one more day to enjoy!

Last night’s dinner was a yummy one! We had chicken quesadilla’s with a side of Japanese Coleslaw. Last week when I was at Trader Joe’s, I picked up some whole wheat tortillas. They were equally, if not more, delicious than regular ones!

feb 2 dinner

I topped my quesadilla with some sour cream and salsa!

My night last night consisted of doing absolutely nothing. It was glorious. I had plans to head out, but when we had snow, the roads became a mess, so I stayed in with some hot chocolate, a movie, and some quality time with my mom.

my night

Trader Joe’s Cat Cookies (for people!) also made it into my night. Winking smile

myste sleepingniko sleeping

Even the animals were taking it nice and easy!


I forgot to mention yesterday, but let’s discuss Punxatawny Phil not seeing his shadow? I will take it, but I’m not banking on it. If that means spring is coming early, then that is PERFECT with me! However, by the looks outside at the weather we are having today, and this week, I’m not too sure! Let’s just hope he was right.

I have a few things on the agenda for today! I have actually completed making “Louisiana Hot Crab Dip to take to a friends house for the Superbowl, and in the process of making some yummy brownies as well!

hot crab dip

The recipe can be found here! I used Neufchatel cream cheese instead of regular! I will be sure to report back on how it went over!  Smile

I also need to look over the workouts for Phase Three of Best Body Bootcamp! Maybe a few other things will get thrown into the mix!


  • Do you like to have plans all weekend? Do you enjoy having a night to relax and not do too much?
  • Are you watching the Superbowl anywhere? Who would you like to win?

Catch ya tomorrow! Enjoy your Sunday!