Tag Archives: powerbowl

WIAW! And Best Body Bootcamp update!

Happy Hump Day to you all!!!

Before I get into my yummy food I enjoyed yesterday (WIAW will have my Tuesday eats!), I want to go over a bit about my workouts this week!

This week kicked off Phase 3 of Tina’s Best Body Bootcamp. It is using the endurance we built in Phase 2 to see our strength! So far, I am loving it! Monday’s workout used Pyramid sets, which I had never heard of before. We focused on legs and shoulders, and boy,  by the end I was really feeling it! Actually, my shoulders really felt it all day yesterday. Must’ve been good!

Yesterday’s workout was cardio and core. I thought the core exercises were challenging for Phase 2, but man yesterday hurt so good! Putting a few exercises back to back with no breaks really makes your core work! And after the intense cardio she had us do, I was just about donezo for the day! Tina’s workouts keep me guessing, and keep me from a rut in the middle of winter!


Now, onto WIAW!

what I ate Wednesday

This is also something I have been dying to be apart of, and now I can be!


This was about the only normal thing that stuck in a routine for me yesterday! I had these oats! I did not put the extra protein powder in them. Since I didn’t work out this morning, I decided I didn’t need it.

oats 2

They were delicious as usual, and kept me feeling quite full!

Snack-ish (10:30)

The reason I say snack-ish is because I was technically supposed to eat lunch at this time. Why schools feel 10:30 AM is an appropriate time for kids to eat is beyond me! I know so many kids are starving by the end of the day, and go home and pig out before dinner. Not the healthiest.

So I looked at my schedule and saw I had my prep at 2:30. I decided I could switch my snack and eat it during my “scheduled” lunch to hold me over until I ate my actual lunch. It was a big mess!

Anwayyy, I had a Clif Z Kid bar again (love them!) in Iced Oatmeal Cookie flavor!

clif z oatmeal

And an apple, that I demolished before I could snap a pic!


Lunch (2:35)

I ate another powerbowl salad for lunch! I added crab meat to it after the picture was taken. Oops!

In it went:

  • Italian Dressing
  • Romaine and Spinach
  • Carrots
  • Celery
  • Green and Red Peppers
  • Crab Meat
  • Cheddar Cheese (because food just tastes better with cheese!)

lunch feb 4

Snack (4:30)

After my workout, and before I had to head out to teach CCD, I enjoyed a Chocolate protein shake. Made with water, ice, and protein powder blended in the blender and it was delicious!

protein shake

Dinner (6:45)

I was starving after CCD! I usually eat dinner at 6, so Tuesday’s become a little tricky when I have to wait! I try to hold myself over with snacks, but I guess my workout from the day revved that metabolism! My mom works at the church where I teach CCD, so we are both gone on Tuesdays so it’s usually a heat up meal! Tonight’s ended up being Hamburger Helped Lasagna style. Not the healthiest, but you can’t win them all! 

hamburger helped

And, perhaps a piece of cake snuck it’s way in for dessert…Winking smile


Catch ya later! Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter and Instagram! (@fitncookies)


  • Do you ever eat a dinner knowing it might not be the healthiest, but that it was easy and convenient to make for the night?