Tag Archives: love

Thankful Thursday


Being that it is Valentine’s Day, I figured I would follow suit and participate in Thankful Thursday!

I really like the idea of taking a day to remember all the great things that I am thankful for during the week. But, since today is about love, I’m going to be thankful for Aaron!  This is our 8th Valentine’s Day together, and I’ve grown to love him more and more each year!

I am thankful for him because,

He is more supportive than I could ever imagine someone being. Aaron always has my back in whatever it is I am pursuing. If I need a mental health day off, he is all for it. If I can’t go out for the night because another opportunity came up, he supports me. He supports this blog everyday and loves when I have new readers. He is always encouraging me to follow my dreams, such as the thought of perhaps becoming a NASM certified personal trainer in the near future.

support at half 2support at half

His love is unconditional. I have more love from Aaron than ever. He shows his love everyday, not just one day out of the year. I receive flowers for no reason, he takes me out on dates, and he comforts me when I am sad or upset about something.


His attitude is always spot on. The attitude that Aaron has is one I will always treasure and wish I had. He never lets small things get to him; he brushes them off and moves on. I tend to hold on to little things, so he tells me when it’s not worth it and to let go. He stresses much less than I do, which is really what I need during this stressful time of house hunting and wedding planning!

leaning on me with caption


Showers me with love. I might not always receive gifts from him for no reason, but he will expectantly show up at my house to give me kisses. He also swings by just to see me and get a hug when he is in the area visiting friends or just driving by. These quick little stops brighten my day!

aaron and i

He cares for me. Aaron is always around when I just need that one hug, or I am sick in my bed, or a million other reasons. He makes it a point to make sure I have everything I need to get better- ice cream, milkshakes, blankets, etc. I have had a lot of surgeries to have precancerous moles removed, but he is always praying for me, waiting to here the results, and there when my stitches are hurting and I can’t do anything but hang out in bed. When my stomach condition flares up, he is there, with Gatorade or Smart Water in hand- which is exactly what I need.

gatoradesmart water


He is not the only important one in my life. I couldn’t be where I am today without the love from my mom and my dad. They have gotten me to be who I am today, and I will be forever thankful. So, if you’re reading this mom or dad, I love you!

Make sure you are telling everyone in your life who is important just how special they are!

On that note, I am off to spend the evening with Aaron! We usually don’t do Valentine’s Day, or at least on the specific day, but figured this year, why not have a reason to go out and do something! We are actually going to a shooting range (!) tonight and then to dinner at a local place where young couples will not be found! I’ve been thinking that a shooting range would be fun for a couple months, and mentioned it to Aaron once. I also mentioned that I’d much rather be doing something than getting something for Valentine’s Day! He put the two together and off we go

I’ll report back tomorrow with my thoughts on it all! I also had fun with the gift I got him, so I’ll be sure to share!

Questions for your evening:

  • Who is the most important person in your life?
  • Do you like Valentine’s Day?
  • Are you celebrating Valentine’s Day today or another day, or not at all!

You are Loved

Good Morning, and Happy Valentine’s Day!

You might do a few things today…


Maybe you will indulge in some chocolate


Maybe you are giving or receiving flowers

the notebook

Maybe you are going to enjoy some chick flicks.


or maybe you can spend time outdoors or get a workout in.

Whatever your day entails, I hope you feel the love that surrounds you everyday! Take a minute to call up a loved one, send a friend a text, or send out an e-mail to someone close to you and tell them how much you love them and how much they mean to you! You all mean so much to me for letting a dream become a reality!


  • What are you going to do today to share your love?