Tag Archives: wiaw

So I went with it… WIAW #2

I cannot believe another week has passed! I feel like I just wrote my first WIAW post yesterday! I hope your week has flown by as fast as mine has!

what I ate Wednesday


I woke up for my workout bright and early, and completed it with an interval run on the treadmill! All I wanted when I was done was a bagel! So, I went with it.


I actually remove pretty much all of the inside of the bagel before I toast it. I prefer the crunchier part, and don’t feel the need for all the extra bread! I topped one half with Neufchatel cream cheese, and the other half with vegetable hummus. Love that hummus. I also had a glass of chocolate milk (not pictured)  after my workout!


I started getting hungry around 10, and knew I wouldn’t be eating until 11:45 or 12, so I went with it.


Just a few crackers to hold me over!


I was super lazy on Monday night to determine a lunch that I wanted, so I just took some leftovers from dinner the other night.


I actually didn’t enjoy it very much, and couldn’t wait to be done with it. I did enjoy the Granny Smith Apple that I paired it with (also not pictured). Some veggie chips were also eaten with my lunch.

chips 2

Snack 3:00ish:

clif z oatmeal

Just because I love them so much.


Mmm! I have been loving Meatball Sandwiches lately. I never used to even eat meatballs! But it’s been rocking my life lately, so I’m going with it! I also had some sweet potato fries on the side. Side note. My mom accidentally bought the spicy kind. Oh My Gosh! Talk about a mouth being on fire!

dinner feb 12

I might have been too excited to eat and forgot to snap a pic until I was a few bites in. Oops! Surprised smile

My mom also happens to volunteer for Meals on Wheels and sometimes gets to take leftover food home. I walked into the kitchen after work, and was greeted with not one, but two of these.

cookie cake

Talk about awesome! Giant Eagle Cookie Cakes are my favorite. No others come close to it. So, it is a bad idea having two cookie cakes in my presence (one will for sure be frozen). But, it was fat Tuesday, right? Ha Just kidding! I did not eat them all, not even a big portion of it. What I did eat was yummy though Smile

Have a fantastic day everyone! I’m hoping to get some new lunch ideas from everyone’s WIAW posts!

Question for the day:

  • Are you a sweet lover? or a salty lover? If you couldn’t tell by the name of my blog, I enjoy my sweets! In moderation, of course!

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WIAW! And Best Body Bootcamp update!

Happy Hump Day to you all!!!

Before I get into my yummy food I enjoyed yesterday (WIAW will have my Tuesday eats!), I want to go over a bit about my workouts this week!

This week kicked off Phase 3 of Tina’s Best Body Bootcamp. It is using the endurance we built in Phase 2 to see our strength! So far, I am loving it! Monday’s workout used Pyramid sets, which I had never heard of before. We focused on legs and shoulders, and boy,  by the end I was really feeling it! Actually, my shoulders really felt it all day yesterday. Must’ve been good!

Yesterday’s workout was cardio and core. I thought the core exercises were challenging for Phase 2, but man yesterday hurt so good! Putting a few exercises back to back with no breaks really makes your core work! And after the intense cardio she had us do, I was just about donezo for the day! Tina’s workouts keep me guessing, and keep me from a rut in the middle of winter!


Now, onto WIAW!

what I ate Wednesday

This is also something I have been dying to be apart of, and now I can be!


This was about the only normal thing that stuck in a routine for me yesterday! I had these oats! I did not put the extra protein powder in them. Since I didn’t work out this morning, I decided I didn’t need it.

oats 2

They were delicious as usual, and kept me feeling quite full!

Snack-ish (10:30)

The reason I say snack-ish is because I was technically supposed to eat lunch at this time. Why schools feel 10:30 AM is an appropriate time for kids to eat is beyond me! I know so many kids are starving by the end of the day, and go home and pig out before dinner. Not the healthiest.

So I looked at my schedule and saw I had my prep at 2:30. I decided I could switch my snack and eat it during my “scheduled” lunch to hold me over until I ate my actual lunch. It was a big mess!

Anwayyy, I had a Clif Z Kid bar again (love them!) in Iced Oatmeal Cookie flavor!

clif z oatmeal

And an apple, that I demolished before I could snap a pic!


Lunch (2:35)

I ate another powerbowl salad for lunch! I added crab meat to it after the picture was taken. Oops!

In it went:

  • Italian Dressing
  • Romaine and Spinach
  • Carrots
  • Celery
  • Green and Red Peppers
  • Crab Meat
  • Cheddar Cheese (because food just tastes better with cheese!)

lunch feb 4

Snack (4:30)

After my workout, and before I had to head out to teach CCD, I enjoyed a Chocolate protein shake. Made with water, ice, and protein powder blended in the blender and it was delicious!

protein shake

Dinner (6:45)

I was starving after CCD! I usually eat dinner at 6, so Tuesday’s become a little tricky when I have to wait! I try to hold myself over with snacks, but I guess my workout from the day revved that metabolism! My mom works at the church where I teach CCD, so we are both gone on Tuesdays so it’s usually a heat up meal! Tonight’s ended up being Hamburger Helped Lasagna style. Not the healthiest, but you can’t win them all! 

hamburger helped

And, perhaps a piece of cake snuck it’s way in for dessert…Winking smile


Catch ya later! Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter and Instagram! (@fitncookies)


  • Do you ever eat a dinner knowing it might not be the healthiest, but that it was easy and convenient to make for the night?